Gugah Semangat Kesetiakawanan Sosial, Kemensos dan Masyarakat Karangasem Gotong Royong Bersihkan Pura 18/12/2022
Receiving RST Assistance, Ni Wayan Darti is Eager to pick up Sustenance 18/12/2022 KLUNGKUNG (December 18, 2022) - It was still 04.00 WITA, but Ni Wayan Darti (35) was already busy cooking ri... More Details
Not Only Distributing Aid to PwDs, Minister of Social Affairs Also Persuades Parents for Getting Treatment to Their Children 14/12/2022 KUPANG (14 December 2022) - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini distributed ATENSI assistance and the p... More Details