Kreasi Cafe as a Means of Empowering Cianjur Earthquake Evacuees 30/12/2022 CIANJUR (December 30, 2022) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the Directorate of Social Protection for... More Details
Atasi Masalah Sosial Warga Cilincing Jakarta, Mensos Cek Progres Instalasi Air Bersih dan Mesin Olah Limbah Cangkang Kerang 22/12/2022
Ministry of Social Affairs Gaves an Award for Strategic Partners in Disaster Management 21/12/2022 JAKARTA (December 21st, 2022) - The government through the Ministry of Social Affairs gave awards to str... More Details
Visited KSB in Bali, Minister of Social Affairs Simulates Disaster Handling Based on Local Wisdom 21/12/2022 BADUNG (December 21st, 2022) - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini provided reinforcement for Disaster... More Details
MoSA Realizes Inclusive Disaster Management Through Difagana 19/12/2022 BADUNG (19 December 2022) - People with disabilities are no longer seen as objects in disaster management. To... More Details