Tingkatkan Ketepatan Sasaran Bantuan, Kemensos Aktivasi Fitur “Usul” dan “Sanggah” di Aplikasi Cek Bansos 18/08/2021
Peringati HUT RI Ke-76, Kemensos Gelar Perlombaan Ajak Masyarakat Tetap Semangat dan Bahagia 09/08/2021
MOSA Clarifies Viral Video of a Rescue Car Involved in Accident 30/07/2021 JAKARTA (30 July 2021) - A video is circulating on social media containing a blue rescue car involved in an ac... More Details
MoSA Appreciates the Responsive Steps of the Police to Arrest the Perpetrators of Spreading Hoax 20/07/2021 JAKARTA (July 19, 2021) - At the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini, MoSA is carryin... More Details