Social Rehabilitation through Drug Victims ATENSI, Minister of Social Affairs: We Can As Long As We are Together 24/02/2021
Ministry of Social Affairs Distributes Logistics for Flood Victims in Pebayuran Bekasi Regency 22/02/2021 BEKASI (22 February 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs distributes logistics to flood victims in Pebayuran... More Details
Quick Response Ministry of Social Affairs Wants to Ensure Flood Victims Get Logistic Assistance 20/02/2021
The Vice President Inaugurates the ATENSI Creation Center, a Real Step of the Ministry of Social Affairs to Empower Ex-Scavengers and the Homeless 18/02/2021
Ministry of Social Affairs Immediately Distributes Donation of Medical Supplies Worth Rp1.6 Billion 14/02/2021 SURABAYA (13 February 2021) - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini received to Rp1.6 billion donation fr... More Details