6 Distribution of Logistics Stock to Social Granaries in Pacitan Regency 15/10/2021 PACITAN (October 15, 2021) - In order to fulfill basic needs in anticipation of a disaster in Pacitan Regency,... More Details
6 Minister of Social Affairs Hands Over A Number of Social Assistances to Beneficiaries in Takalar 07/10/2021
6 Minister of Social Affairs Matches PKH and BPNT Social Assistance Data for 5 Regencies/Cities in South Sulawesi 07/10/2021
6 The Ministry of Social Affairs Distributes Various Assistance in Takalar 07/10/2021 TAKALAR (October 7, 2021) - The Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini attended the data matchi... More Details
6 Ministry of Social Affairs Distributes Aid for Landslide Affected Residents in Luwu 06/10/2021 LUWU (October 6, 2021) - The Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini visited the landslide locat... More Details
6 Ministry of Social Affairs and Commission VIII Working Meeting Discuss BNPB Institutional Policies 05/10/2021 JAKARTA (October 5, 2021) - The Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini and other officials from... More Details