6 MoU between the MoSA and BAZNAS to Improve Social Welfare 07/10/2024 JAKARTA (October 7, 2024) - The Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf signed a Memorandum of U... More Details
7 Issue Identification in Ciracas District, Social Affairs Minister Identifies Existing Social Issues 07/10/2024 JAKARTA (October 7, 2024) - The Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf (Gus Ipul) made a workin... More Details
9 Social Affairs Minister Attends 79th TNI Anniversary Commemoration at Monas 05/10/2024 JAKARTA (October 5, 2024) - The Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf (Gus Ipul) and Mrs. Fatm... More Details
7 The MoSA Distributes Aid to Poor and Vulnerable Communities in Ambon City 03/10/2024 AMBON (October 3, 2024) - Social Affairs Minister Saifullah Yusuf made a working visit to Ambon City to distri... More Details
5 Minister of Social Affairs Receives Visit from Special Staff of the President of the Republic of Indonesia for Social Affairs 01/10/2024 JAKARTA (October 1, 2024) - Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf Received a Visit from the Sp... More Details
9 Social Affairs Minister Delivers Social Assistance at Bantar Gebang TPST 30/09/2024 BEKASI (September 30, 2024) - The Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs, Saifullah Yusuf (Gus Ipul) greeted re... More Details