2 Deaf and Withered Paralyzed Beneficiaries Receive ATENSI Support from the MoSA 28/05/2023 PADANG (May 28, 2023) - The Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini visited Darman (63), a perso... More Details
3 Series of Activities for TAGANA's 19th Anniversary 28/05/2023 DHARMASRAYA (May 28, 2023) - The Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini inaugurated a suspensio... More Details
6 Social Affairs Minister in The 7th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Social Welfare and Development 25/05/2023 JAKARTA (May 25, 2023) - The Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini attended The 7th ASEAN Mini... More Details
6 Press Conference Regarding KPK Visit to the Office of the Ministry of Social Affairs 24/05/2023 JAKARTA (May 24, 2023) - The Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini held a press conference reg... More Details
6 Technical Guidance for Increasing Attention and Care for the Elderly 24/05/2023 DHARMASRAYA (May 24, 2023) - Preparing young generations who love, care for, and respect the elderly is absolu... More Details
6 Meeting for the Acceleration of Extreme Poverty Elimination 24/05/2023 JAKARTA (May 24, 2023) - The Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini attended a meeting regardin... More Details