Penuhi Kebutuhan Pengungsi Erupsi Lewotobi: Pastikan Logistik Melimpah dan Dirikan Sekolah Darurat 24/11/2024
Respons Cepat Kemensos Terhadap Penanganan Bencana Erupsi Lewotobi Laki-laki di Flotim NTT 07/11/2024
Kemensos Memberikan Bantuan Korban Banjir Di Sanggau 23/09/2024 Distribusi Bantuan untuk Korban Banjir di Kecamatan Jangkang, Kalimantan Barat telah didistribusikan sejak (9/... More Details
Kei Besar Residents Happily Welcome Clean Water Installation Assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs 31/07/2024 The difficult clean water conditions in Ohoinangan Village, Kei Besar Island, Southeast Maluku Regency, make i... More Details
The Integrated Clean Water Installation from the Ministry of Social Affairs Makes It Easier for Mamak Blandina to Obtain Clean Water 17/07/2024 In the past, Mamak Blandina Ngilawani (67) had to go back and forth to fetch water from the only old well in L... More Details