Ministry of Social Affairs Distributes Aid to Nation Fighters 11/11/2020 JAKARTA (November 10, 2020) - The Ministry of Social Affairs tries to keep an eye on the nation's fighters who... More Details
The Highlight of the Heroes' Day Commemoration, President Joko Widodo Leads the Heroes Honor and Pilgrimage Ceremony at TMPNU Kalibata 10/11/2020
4 Karang Taruna Cibinong Still Productive Even in Pandemic Period 08/11/2020 BOGOR (November 7th, 2020) - Ministry of Social Affairs as a functional and technical supervisor for Youth Or... More Details
Raising Funds from UGB and PUB, Minister of Social Affairs: Distributed IDR 136.7 Billion for Vulnerable People, Victims of Natural Disasters, and Affected by COVID-19 07/11/2020