JAKARTA (November 10, 2020) - The Ministry of Social Affairs tries to keep an eye on the nation's fighters who are willing to sacrifice their lives, bodies, and assets for independence.
In the activities of Heroic Social Service, the Ministry of Social Affairs through the Directorate of Heroism, Pioneering, Solidarity, and Social Restoration, the Directorate General of Social Empowerment, keeps in touch and distributes assistance to families of national heroes and independence pioneers. This is a form of concern for the nation's fighters in commemorating Heroes' Day 2020.
Anjangsana (friendly visit) is carried out in several houses of the hero's family. Among others, the Widow of National Hero Idham Chalid (Mrs. Siti Rokayah) and Pioneers of Independence (H. KRMH Soerjo Wirjohadipoetro, Wimo Sumanto, and Nordjin Pandjer).
The Director General of Social Empowerment, Edi Suharto, conducted anjangsana and handed over assistance to one of the Pioneers of Independence, Mr. Wimo Sumanto.
“Here are some basic food packages, ropes of love, a wheelchair for you. Please accept it and hopefully it will be useful, sir," said Edi Suharto.
This assistance is the result of collaboration between the Ministry of Social Affairs and several partners, such as Perum BULOG, Alfamart, YSKI, MNC Peduli, and Conoccophilip.
At his residence, Mr. Wimo looks happy to see the arrival of the Director General of Social Empowerment Edi Suharto. He was very enthusiastic about telling about his struggle with fellow veterans in fighting for and defending the independence of the Republic of Indonesia.
"I feel thankful that Mr. Director General came here, you have been paying attention to me all this time," said Mr. Wimo with a smile.
This social service activity is expected to help the survival of the nation's fighters who succeeded in seizing Indonesian Independence from the hands of the invaders.
Also present at the activities were the Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Empowerment, the Head of the TMPNU, MPN, and TMPN Sections, and the Head of the OHH Section of the Secretariat of the Directorate General of Social Empowerment.
Ministry of Social Affairs Distributes Aid to Nation Fighters

OHH Dayasos
David Myoga
Intan Qonita N