Commission VIII DPR RI Visits Semarang Flood Victims 16/02/2021 SEMARANG (February 15, 2021) - Commission VIII of the Indonesian House of Representatives, led by Deputy Chair... More Details
The Vice President Seriously Responses Subang Floods Won't Happen Again 15/02/2021 SUBANG (February 14, 2021) - Indonesian Vice President Ma'ruf Amin visited flood-affected locations in Pamanuk... More Details
Visiting Landslides Victims in Kebumen, Minister of Social Affairs Prepares a Trauma Healing Team 14/02/2021 KEBUMEN (February 13, 2021) - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini visited the location and victims of l... More Details
Risma Meets Evacuees in Pekalongan in the Middle of the Night, Make Sure They are Well-Served 13/02/2021 PEKALONGAN (February 12, 2021) - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini advised the Pekalongan City Govern... More Details
Receiving Aid for Flood Victims, Pekalongan Regency Government Gives Appreciation to the Ministry of Social Affairs 12/02/2021
Until the 5th Day, the Ministry of Social Affairs is Still Regularly Preparing 4000 Packaged Rice for the Subang Flood Survivors 11/02/2021