PEKALONGAN (February 12, 2021) - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini advised the Pekalongan City Government to be responsive in handling flood victims so that they do not become neglected.
"The most important thing is that the residents (flood victims) are not neglected. So, what are the conditions for the evacuation, food, like that," said Risma when she visited a evacuee camp for flood victims in Pekalongan City, Friday (12/2) in the morning.
Wearing a leather jacket and boots, Risma arrived at the evacuee camp for flood victims at around 01.30 WIB.
The arrival of Risma with her entourage and the Mayor of Pekalongan, Saelany Machfudz surprised some of the evacuees who were still sleeping.
Risma then handed over aid in the form of food packages, foam mattresses, and blankets to the evacuees, who had woken up due to the arrival of the former Surabaya Mayor.
Risma advised the community to be patient because disasters are trials from God that must be faced together.
"Almost the entire pantura area is affected by the same disaster. We hope that, in the future, the Pekalongan City Government can minimize similar disasters," he said.
Risma said that the Pekalongan City Government's performance in taking steps for disaster emergency response was good, namely implementing cooperation between the two ranks, both elements of the Police, TNI, Regional Government, and even Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
"We have checked how the conditions for the evacuation are, the availability of food, the implementation of health protocols, Alhamdulillah, all the handling has been good," he said.
Risma Meets Evacuees in Pekalongan in the Middle of the Night, Make Sure They are Well-Served

Joko Hariyanto
Annisa YH
Intan Qonita N