MoSA Completing the Compensation Distribution for the Heirs of the Kanjuruhan Tragedy Victims from the President 28/10/2022 MALANG (28 October 2022) - Today, the compensation for the heirs of the 135 victims of Kanjuruhan tragedy... More Details
Introducing Difagana in International Forum, Indonesia Involves Person with Disability in Handling Disaster 26/10/2022 Jakarta (October 26th) -- The atmosphere was quiet, suddenly boisterous when the vibrations that invited tra... More Details
Social Affairs Minister Helped an Older Person who Missed His Children While Kanjuruhan Tragedy in Malang 22/10/2022 As October 22, 2022, death victims caused of humanity tragedy at Kanjuruhan Stadium Malang increased to 134 p... More Details
Datangi Bogor Kedua Kalinya, Mensos Risma Serahkan Santunan untuk Ahli Waris Korban Banjir dan Longsor 17/10/2022 BOGOR (17 Oktober 2022) - Menteri Sosial Tri Rismaharini bersama Wakil Ketua Komisi VIII DPR RI Diah Pita... More Details
Antisipasi Banjir Bandang Susulan, Kemensos Siapkan Posko Pengungsian 12/10/2022 LEBAK (12 Oktober 2022) – Kementerian Sosial menyiapkan posko pengungsian sebagai langkah antisipasi terhadap ... More Details