Mensos Serahkan Santunan kepada Keluarga Korban Insiden Kanjuruhan di Tulungagung dan Blitar 08/10/2022
Social Minister Risma Completing Distribution of Compensation to the Heirs of Kanjuruhan Tragedy in Malang 04/10/2022 MALANG (October 3rd, 2022) - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini has finished distributing compens... More Details
MoSA Gives Condolances Gifts of Rp. 15 Million to the Heirs of the Tragedy of Kanjuruhan Stadium in Malang 03/10/2022 MALANG CITY (October 3rd, 2022) - Government pays attention to the victims of the Kanjuruhan Stadium tragedy ... More Details
North Tapanuli Earthquake, Logistic Assistance and ATENSI MOSA will Arrived Tonight in Tarutung 01/10/2022 JAKARTA (October 1st, 2022) – Ministry of Social Affairs responded quickly in handling victims of earthq... More Details