3 Ribuan Warga Berau Mengungsi Akibat Banjir, Kemensos Salurkan Bantuan Logistik dan Permakanan 30/03/2025
3 Tanpa Libur, Kemensos Tetap Layani Kebutuhan Makan warga Penerima Manfaat Selama Idul Fitri 30/03/2025
MoSA Provides Compensation to Heirs of KKB Attack Victims 27/03/2025 Jakarta (March 27, 2025) - The attack by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in Elelim District, Yalimo Regency on ... More Details
MoSA Invites Minister of Forestry to Collaborate to Eradicate Poverty in Residents Around Forests 27/03/2025 Jakarta (March 27, 2025) - Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf, or Gus Ipul, invited Minister of Forest... More Details