BEKASI (10 December 2024 ) - The Ministry of Social Affairs, through the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, held a Coordination and Synchronization Meeting on Intervention Data and Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev). Taking place in the Integrated Center of Pangudi Luhur (STPL) Bekasi Auditorium, the meeting aimed to synchronize data on ATENSI (Asistensi Rehabilitasi Sosial) recipients 2024 within the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, as part of preparations for the 2024 performance report.
In his opening remarks, Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, Idit Supriadi Priatna, underscored the importance of a well-structured business process to ensure that social services deliver good and targeted outcomes.
A comprehensive assessment must be carried out by social workers. The accuracy of this assessment will determine the success of social problem treatment for beneficiaries, it is expected they can receive assistance that truly meets their needs.
Idit further stressed the importance of a clear division of authority between central and regional governments, noting that collaboration would boost synergy in delivering social services.
The ATENSI program is an initiative designed by the Ministry of Social Affairs to provide integrated and sustainable social services for People with Social Welfare Problems (PMKS) or beneficiaries. Its primary goal is to enhance their social well-being through family-, community-, and/or residential-based approaches.
During the Coordination Meeting, participants also discussed the synchronization of ATENSI recipient data for 2024, performance target data through eKIN and SAKTI, and BNBA data, as well as identifying minimum sampling for monitoring and evaluation in drafting the 2024 performance report.
Also present at the event were the Head of STPL Bekasi, Wahyu Dewanto; the Central Data and Information Team; and Monev Points of Contact from all Technical Implementation Units (UPT) and Central Work Units (Satker) within the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation.