Jakarta (11 December 2024) – Ministry of Social Affairs continues to provide social rehabilitation services to MAS (14), who allegedly killed his father and grandmother in Lebak Bulus on Saturday (30/11/2024). Alongside these efforts, the Ministry—through the Mulya Jaya Center in Jakarta—also closely monitors the legal proceedings against MAS.

“We coordinate regularly with the South Jakarta Metropolitan Police, Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection (KPPPA), the South Jakarta Correctional Center (BAPAS), and the family to ensure protection and social rehabilitation for MAS’s best interests,” said Head of the Mulya Jaya Center, Romal Sinaga, on Wednesday (December 11, 2024).

In addition to involving law enforcement in the legal process, Ministry of Social Affairs engages MAS’s family as legal guardians. They often visit not only to provide moral support but also to bring books and food.

Besides facilitating the ongoing legal process, the Ministry also provides various services to meet MAS’s basic needs, including healthcare. These services range from dormitory accommodations, meals, personal hygiene assistance, psychological evaluations, health check-ups, and caregiving, to other social rehabilitation programs.

MAS also undergoes psychosocial therapy through positive activities such as exercise, morning roll calls, and morning meetings. He participates in these activities together with other beneficiaries residing at the Mulya Jaya Center. Currently, MAS is reportedly in better physical and mental condition compared to when he first arrived.

“He’s much more comfortable now, smiling and socializing with peers his age. Initially, he seemed irritable and withdrawn,” said Mulya Jaya social worker, Dwi Ana Sofianti.

Although MAS is still undergoing legal proceedings, Ministry of Social Affairs continues to fulfill his fundamental needs as a child, including the right to education. A middle-school student, MAS is still able to take his final exams—although online.