TULUNGAGUNG (November 22, 2023) - Services for Social Welfare Service for Persons in Need (PPKS) are not only the responsibility of the Ministry of Social Affairs, but require the collective efforts of all related parties including local governments, agencies, and humanitarian organizations.

As part of these efforts, the Ministry of Social Affairs, in collaboration with the Tulungagung Regency Government, Dr. Iskak Hospital, YPP, SCTV, Indosiar, and the Indonesian Eye Specialist Association (PERDAMI), is providing cataract surgery services for elderly PPKS in Tulungagung Regency, East Java Province.

“Cataract surgery for the elderly is crucial. If left untreated, it can disrupt their economic activities. By restoring their vision, we help them remain independent and productive,” said Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini during her visit to Dr. Iskak Hospital, Tulungagung Regency, on Wednesday (11/22/2023).

The Minister emphasized that cataract surgeries for elderly PPKS have been an ongoing initiative since she took office in early 2021. These procedures have been carried out nationwide through various Centers.

“As of today, we have successfully restored vision for approximately 6,000 elderly individuals and other residents in need across Indonesia,” the Minister stated.

Data on cataract surgery needs indicate that the highest demand is still concentrated on the island of Java, with East Java Province being one of the regions with the greatest need. However, efforts to provide services continue to expand to areas outside Java.

"The demand for cataract surgery undoubtedly remains highest in Java, but we are also ensuring that services reach other regions. After this, I will be heading to Palembang and other areas across Indonesia," said the Minister of Social Affairs.

On this occasion, Dr. Iskak Hospital conducted a cataract surgery social service for 15 elderly PPKS patients who had previously undergone assessment and screening by the hospital and Centers under the Ministry of Social Affairs.

"Before undergoing cataract surgery, patients are carefully examined to check for conditions like high blood sugar, ensuring they are fit for the procedure," explained the Minister.

One of the recipients, 58-year-old Supandi from Cari Hamlet, RT 5 RW 2, Ngantru Village, Tulungagung District, expressed his gratitude for the opportunity.

"I am incredibly grateful to receive cataract surgery through the Ministry of Social Affairs. The cost would have been too expensive for me to afford. Thank you again—I hope that after this surgery, I can return to working in my garden as usual and regain my financial stability," Supandi said.