Bandung (September 15, 2022) - Baby N (9 months) from Indramayu was reported by LPAI Indramayu, was born without an anus and incomplete female organs. Muji, N's father is a casual laborer who finds it quite difficult to meet the needs and accommodate the medical process needed by his child.


Responding to this, the Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini directed the Center to assist by bringing baby N to a fully equipped hospital in Bandung to get complete treatment.


Phalamartha Sukabumi Center Case Response Team immediately visited baby N's residence accompanied by Social Office, LPAI Indramayu, the Districts, Karanglayung Health Center, and the Karanglayung Village. During the meeting, Phalamartha Center team conducted an assessment of the health condition of baby N. It conveyed to the family that MoSA was ready and trying to meet the needs and assist the family during the treatment process for baby N to completion.


Phalamartha Center Team then facilitated the transportation of N's family from Indramayu to RSHS Bandung and provided operational money assistance for the family while accompanying N to the hospital. The family of baby N has been accompanied from the beginning of registration to the stage of examination that must be carried out.


Based on the doctor's statement from the previous examination, baby N was diagnosed with an anorectal malformation or a congenital abnormality that showed a condition without an anus or with an imperfect anus. The doctor also indicated that baby N did not have a uterus and cervix. At RSHS Bandung, baby N has undergone an ultrasound of the abdomen and genitalia to detect abnormalities in the reproductive organs and genitalia. After that, the team of doctors will perform a colonoscopy before surgery can finally be performed.


Muji, the father of baby N hopes that his son can recover and be healthy with complete organs like other babies. He also expressed many thanks to MoSA for helping and assisting in the process of treating baby N.