WEST LOMBOK (September 26, 2019) - Located at Lesehan Pojok Jaya Gerung, Head of the Social Rehabilitation Center for Children Needing Special Protection (BRSAMPK) "Paramita" Mataram Ahmad Subarkah conducts cross-sectoral coordination activities from various fields relating to services to children. This service to children is called the Integrative Child Social Welfare Center (PKSAI) in West Lombok Regency.
On this occasion, Ahmad Subarkah stated that optimizing the role of local governments in handling children is important,
"In accordance with Law No. 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government which mandates that local governments have the duty and responsibility for social problems of children, BRSAMPK" Paramita "Mataram as a technical implementation unit owned by the Ministry of Social Affairs is ready to become a referral institution for children who have social problems, "said Ahmad.
This activity is a continuation of the PKSAI coordination meeting held on August 2, 2019. The agenda of the activity was aimed at finalizing cross-sectoral technical and referral systems relating to services to children.
BRSAMPK "Paramita" Cross-Sector Coordination PKSAI

Humas BRSAMPK "Paramita" Mataram
Intan Qonita N
Intan Qonita N