BEKASI (October 24, 2019) - Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Blind Sensory Disabilities (BRSPDSN) "Tan Miyat" Bekasi handed over 20 self-help business aid packages to 20 Social Welfare Services (PPKS) Persons with Net Sensory Disabilities through Social Welfare Institutions (LKS).
This independence business assistance is given to PDSN who are assisted by DPC Pertuni Bekasi Regency in the form of beds, glass display cases, fans, plastic cabinets, curtains, talking phones and signposts for business assistance. This assistance is given in the context of developing a massaging business and other businesses they are currently undergoing.
The independence business assistance given by the Head of the Social Services and Rehabilitation Section of the "Tan Miyat" Bekasi, Tonny Effendy was provided to support new businesses and business development that has been undertaken by people with Vision Sensory Disabilities.
BRSPDSN "Tan Miyat" Hands Over 20 Business Assistance Packages

Humas BRSPDSN "Tanmiyat" Bekasi
Intan Qonita N
Yusa Maliki; Karlina Irsalyana