MUSI RAWAS UTARA (February 8th, 2024) – A visually impaired person from North Musi Rawas, South Sumatera, Busro (55), received social assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) distributed by Budi Perkasa Center in Palembang. The support provided featured an advanced adaptive guidestick and financial resources.
Busro dialed the command center number, 171, after receiving guidance from his colleague at the Indonesian Association of Visually Impaired Persons (Pertuni) Riau. He suffered from complete blindness due to unsuccessful cataract surgery, leaving him reliant on others for assistance while working. Busro held various jobs like masseuse, selling credit, and LPG gas. His income from being a masseuse was unpredictable because his residence is quite far from the main road, while sales of gas cylinders have ceased due to running out of capital.
Gini Toponindro, the Head of Budi Perkasa Centre, mentioned that his team conducted assessments and implemented interventions in response to Busro's report. “From assessment, it is known that Busro works as Masseus, but to go everywhere, he needs his wife’s help. That’s why we hand over advanced adaptive guiding stick,” Gini stated on Wednesday (7/2). Besides being easy to fold, the stick is also equipped with an emergency alarm that can detect puddles, fires, and gas leaks.
Gini also mentioned that MoSA provided ATENSI with extra funding to help expand Busro’s credit kiosk and LPG gas. In addition to ATENSI, Busro is also a beneficiary of Family Hope Program, and Non-Cash Food Assistance Program, and Basic Food Assistance.
Previously in 2010, Busro had an accident that impaired his vision. In 2016, he received medical treatment and had cataract surgery, but unfortunately, the surgery was not successful, leading to complete blindness. Ever since he decided to leave his job as a farmer and has been spending most of his time at home. Therefore, the support of a guiding stick and financial assistance from MoSA is greatly beneficial in improving his overall welfare, especially in funding his child's education.
“I thank MoSA for giving me a censor stick and business capital for me and my family. I hope the assistance will benefit me and I can be independent just like my other disabilities friends,” said Busro when receiving assistance from MoSA.
Call 171, Visually Impaired Person Get Advanced Sticks and Business Capital from MoSA
