TULANG BAWANG (August 25, 2022) - MoSA through Wyata Guna Center to follow up on the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs to respond to the case of Children with Disabilities in Tulang Bawang Regency. Wyata Guna Center through ATENSI program based on the results of the case response assessment, in the measurement, the CP wheelchair was handed over to Riki Saputra.


Riki (12) with cerebral palsy, who previously used a stroller for his daily mobility, is now able to move more safely. Wyata Guna Bandung Center Team, in coordination with the Head of Dusun 3 of Sungai Nibung Village, suggested that Mbah Ngainah learn about the cerebral palsy wheelchair before Riki climbed it.


Mbah Ngainah (60), Riki's grandmother, expressed her gratitude to the Ministry of Social Affairs "Amen, sir, Thank God, thank you, sir, that's Riki from a baby, sir, thank you, sir," she said tearfully.