ACEH BESAR (September 23, 2019) - The Social Rehabilitation Workshop for Children Needing Special Protection (LRSAMPK) "Darussa'adah" Aceh handed over two Children Needing Special Protection (AMPK) to the Aceh Social Service as a referring party, on Monday (9/23) ).
Sub Head of Social Rehabilitation Service Secretary for LRSAMPK "Darussa'adah" Raharjo handed over the two children to the Aceh Provincial Social Service, which represented by Rita Mayasari as the Section Head of Children and Elderly.
"Officers from the Aceh Provincial Social Service will conduct a home visit after some time to conduct monitoring and evaluation to find out the development of children and adoptive parents," explained Rita.
Furthermore, the Social Service submits AMPK to Prospective Adoptive Parents (COTA).
"Infants are child clusters requiring special protection, referenced by the Aceh Provincial Social Service. During their stay in LRSAMPK "Darussa'adah", the two children received social rehabilitation services for seven months," said Dona Octia Dasril as a social worker.
To obtain the right of adoption, COTA registers itself with the Aceh Provincial Social Service and follows the applicable procedures.
Regulations regarding the adoption of children have been regulated in Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection which is supported by Government Regulation Number 54 of 2007 which is explained in more detail in the Minister of Social Affairs regulation No. 110 of 2009 concerning Requirements for the Appointment of Children.
Some of the criteria for prospective adopted children are not yet 18 years old and require special protection. While some COTA criteria include aged 30-55 years, married at least five years, not yet or only have one child, and have a certificate of income.
LRSAMPK "Darussa'adah" Hand over AMPK to Aceh Social Service

Humas LRSAMPK "Daarussaadah" Aceh
Intan Qonita N
Intan Qonita N