Bogor (October 25, 2022) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through Inten Soeweno Integrated Center provides ATENSI assistance for vulnerable families in Bogor. Meliana, a mother of 4 children who works as a tailor and her husband works as a parker at the market near her house, asks the Government for help.


Previously, Meliana complained to Social Affairs Command Center that she needed a new sewing machine to support her earning a living. The sewing machine that she has is outdated, and no longer able to operate quickly.


Shortly after she complained, Inten Soeweno Cibinong Integrated Case Response team contacted her and made a home visit to explore the problem. "I am very grateful, not too long after my complaint, a team from MoSA immediately came to my house, and listened to what was my current burden," said Meliana.


The house occupied by Meliana’s family is the result of a gift from her parents, she has lived in it for more or less 17 years. The condition of her house is quite apprehensive, almost all of the roofs of her home are damaged so that if it rains it will cause flooding. Looking deeper into the bathroom, the squatting pan toilet can't be used for more than 1 month.


M. O. Royani as the head of Inten Soeweno Integrated Center gave directions to the team that went to the field to provide new sewing machines and repair the roof of Meliana’s family house. "Fulfill the need for sewing so that she can increase her income and repair the roof of her house so it doesn't leak when it rains," he said


Ali as the head of the RT (Neighborhood) expressed his gratitude to MoSA for the assistance given to one of its citizens, "We thank the government for being present, especially MoSA, I hope this assistance can be handy for Meliana".