YOGYAKARTA CITY (February 4th, 2024) – The Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) through "Antasena" Center in Magelang handed over Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) assistance to a one-year-old baby suffering from Microcephaly (brain disease) in Patangpuluhan Village, Wirobrajan Subdistrict, Yogyakarta City.
Putri Nathalia (35), Avika's mother, previously sold food and snacks on an online shopping platform. However, her business did not run due to lack of capital as the increasing price of raw materials, as well as her focus on caring for Avika.
Knowing this, MoSA immediately distributed assistance to Avika in the form of treatment at Yogyakarta PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital. MoSA also assisted in the examination, as well as paying off arrears of hospital fees.
Indri (58), Avika's grandmother also helped in taking care of Avika, and supported her child and grandchild by opening an angkringan business. However, her business did not last long as she ran out of capital. Then, Indri became a household assistant with an insufficient income.
To help Avika, MoSA provided entrepreneurship assistance for Putri in the form of equipment and cooking ingredients which would later be used to continue her business. Meanwhile, Indri was also given various equipment and supporting materials to be able to open her angkringan again.
"I am very happy to receive assistance from MoSA in the form of nutrition for my child, as well as business capital assistance for me and my mother," said Putri with a happy face.
"Antasena" Center Team in Magelang also provided moral and educational support for Putri and Indri. The ATENSI provided by MoSA for Avika was in the form of basic needs, nutrition, and daily equipment for babies.
Knowing this, MoSA immediately distributed assistance to Avika in the form of treatment at Yogyakarta PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital. MoSA also assisted in the examination, as well as paying off arrears of hospital fees.
Indri (58), Avika's grandmother also helped in taking care of Avika, and supported her child and grandchild by opening an angkringan business. However, her business did not last long as she ran out of capital. Then, Indri became a household assistant with an insufficient income.
To help Avika, MoSA provided entrepreneurship assistance for Putri in the form of equipment and cooking ingredients which would later be used to continue her business. Meanwhile, Indri was also given various equipment and supporting materials to be able to open her angkringan again.
"I am very happy to receive assistance from MoSA in the form of nutrition for my child, as well as business capital assistance for me and my mother," said Putri with a happy face.
"Antasena" Center Team in Magelang also provided moral and educational support for Putri and Indri. The ATENSI provided by MoSA for Avika was in the form of basic needs, nutrition, and daily equipment for babies.
"Hopefully, the assistance we provide can be used wisely," said the representative of "Antasena" Center team in Magelang, Wulansari, encouraging.
MoSA would continue to monitor the developments of Avika's condition while providing assistance to the businesses run by Putri and Indri to ensure that both businesses run without problems so that they could support their family's economy.
Public Relations Bureau
Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs
Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs