PONTIANAK (19 January 2023) – The Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) responded to the case of A (17), a female student who was a victim of sexual violence, which was allegedly perpetrated by her high school teacher, resulting in her pregnancy. MoSA is working via the Antasena Center in Magelang to ensure that victims receive appropriate assistance.


The victim, A (17), claims that the sexual violence began in May 2023 with ES conversing under a false identity. It is known that ES was A’s teacher when she was in junior high school. A only realized that ES was her teacher when they met at a restaurant. The perpetrator then forced A to go into the hotel room and raped her. Following the incident, ES (perpetrator) and A (victim) never met again.

"He asked if we might meet again, but I refused. He even offered me marriage, but I declined because I wanted to go to school," the victim stated.

After this incident, the victim did not have menstruation. Finally, she decided to buy a test pack and the result was positive. A was very afraid to tell her family, so she told a friend. Her friend then informed A's parents.

As a result of the perpetrator's acts, the victim became pregnant and her family reported the rape to the Pontianak Police on 6 October 2023.

Previously the legal process was a bit slow until A's family sought help from the Nanda Dian Nusantara Foundation to assist with the legal process.

After receiving the report, A was taken to a safe house and ES was detained on 22 December 2023. ES denied the statement, but the police found evidence.

Following up on this, MoSA through the Antasena Center in Magelang, carried out a comprehensive assessment to ensure the need for A. The Antasena Center Team assisted with medical and psychological examinations of post-natal victims. The baby was born healthy.

The victim's psychological condition is currently still at a normal level. It's just that after giving birth, A tends to be more sensitive. "The victim is required to get lots of rest, eat nutritious food, be more relaxed, and not think too much so that her physical and psychological condition will recover quickly," said the psychiatrist who treated the victim.

Currently, family support has excellent potential to provide strength to victims. Apart from that, the MoSA through the Antasena Center also helps by providing hypnotherapy for victims and providing education about the care and upbringing of the baby. Moreover, the Antasena Center also coordinates with schools through the National Commission for Child Protection in Pontianak City and the Nanda Dian Nusantara Foundation for the continuation of A’s education because she still wants to attend school.