MALAKA (29 August 2022) – The Ministry of Social Affairs through “Efata” Center Kupang provides ATENSI assistance to a 69-year-old grandfather with a disability in Taaba Village, Weliman District, Malacca Regency, NTT Province, who lived alone with his wife. Every day Grandpa continued to work as a garden farmer with the help of wooden sticks.


The Head of "Efata" Center, Supriyono stated that this family ATENSI program was given to the elderly with disabilities following the results of the assessment carried out by the officers, namely "Efata" Center Social Worker. The officers who carried out the assessment consisted of 2 social workers, accompanied by Sakti Peksos colleagues and Disability Companions of Malacca Regency.


Grandpa "MB"(69 years old) had a physical disability since he was born. The condition of the left leg was shorter and walked with a limp. For mobility, use a cane. Healthy physical condition, every day doing work activities as a farmer. In the rainy season, MB did farming to grow crops. While in the dry season, he did gardening and picked tamarind seeds to sell.


MB lived with his wife with the initials "B" (65 years old). "B" helped increase family income by weaving. If there was no order, "B" continued to weave for sale in the market. The average weaving order price was IDR 500,000 to IDR 750,000 depending on the motive. The highest garuda motif with a price of IDR 750,000.


The income of farmers and planters was only to meet food needs. Besides farming, MB's grandfather also raised pigs. Currently, the number of pigs numbered 5 tails. Two broods and three chicks. The information conveyed was that in the past there were many pigs, more than 20 heads. Neighbors often bought pigs from this Grandpa. But in 2020, the pig fell ill and died. Apart from farming and raising livestock, Grandpa also often collected tamarind seeds. 1 kilogram of tamarind seeds costs IDR 3,500.


The population data (KK) contained a husband, wife, and 4 children. The family confirmation result stated that MB and B had 3 children. The first child died, and the second child lived next door. The second child often helped grandfather and took care of his parents. Meanwhile, the 3rd child migrated to Malaysia and never returned, while the KK has not been renewed.


Condition A simple house with small house size, the walls were made of wooden planks and woven bebak (woven stud leaves) and a tin roof. The condition of the house was not neat, the room was not insulated, and the floor was dirt. Apart from having a residential house, it also had a house for food storage and a weaving house. Grandfather owned land for his yard and farming. The land owned was quite large. Besides the land also had a cage for pigs. Grandpa's family also accepted PKH and had a BPJS-PBI card. The family needed tools, food, and economic empowerment assistance in the form of corn seeds, vegetable seeds, fertilizers, and weaving threads.

The intervention that had been carried out by "Efata" Center in Kupang was coordination and collaboration with the Directorate of Disability and the Directorate of Elderly, Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation to support food. Providing ATENSI program for health care in the form of bath soap, laundry soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, and shampoo. Basic needs in the form of rice, cooking oil, and sardines. Provision of assistive devices for disabilities in the form of crutches, as well as the provision of ATENSI program for economic empowerment in the form of woven yarn, corn seeds, vegetable seeds, and fertilizers. As well as coordinating with the social services and dukcapil (people civil’s registry) services to update the family card (KK).

The next follow-up that would be carried out by the Center was to assist in the marketing of woven products through SKA (Atensi Creation Center) Efata Center, collaborated with the National Development Planning Agency and assisted with online marketing, then ensured that the identity of the elderly and disabled was included in the list of recipients of social assistance while being given temporary food by the Center and also coordination with the Social Office to monitor family conditions.