JAKARTA (September 30, 2019) - Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, Idit Supriadi Priatna said that the competence of HR (Human Resources) was important in welcoming the 5.0 New Platform Progress which was carried out by the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation.
"HR competence is not only about science, but also the enrichment of capabilities acquired by self-taught as well as education and training," Idit said when visiting the Child Handling Rehabilitation Center for Special Protection (BRSAMPK) "Handayani" Jakarta in order to provide institutional strengthening and staffing to Jakarta employee
In addition, continued Idit, selection of the Social Welfare Service Government (PPKS) needs to be done through an assessment so that the services provided are professional and targeted services based on the expertise and specificity of the hall or workshop.
Idit also said that BRSAMPK "Handayani" Bambu Apus was not only present to rehabilitate children, but also had a beneficial impact on them after completing rehabilitation.
"We have to make a difference between the hall and the orphanage. The orphanage is for basic social rehabilitation, but the hall is advanced social rehabilitation. We are not only recovering, but also developing social functioning," he said.
Meanwhile, Head of BRSAMPK "Handayani" Bambu Apus, Neneng Heryani in her report conveyed the HR map at the Balai she lead.
"At present we have 45 ASN employees, and 38 PPNPM. In addition we have the main implementers of social rehabilitation, including 12 social workers, three psychologists, one counselor, 10 caregiver families, seven baby sitters, and two nurses," Neneng said.
Secretary General of Social Rehabilitation Encourages BRSAMPK "Handayani" HR Enhancement

Humas BRSAMPK "Handayani" Jakarta
Tutik Inayati
Intan Qonita N