BANJARBARU (November 28, 2023) - The Ministry of Social Affairs together with Commission VIII of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) distributed social assistance in Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan Province worth 81 billion in a specific working visit carried out at the Banjarmasin Center for Social Welfare Education and Training (BBPPKS).
Representing the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Head of BBPPKS Banjarmasin, Laode Taufik Nuryadin, said that it was an honor to be able to accompany the specific working visit of Commission VIII of DPR RI carried out at BBPPKS Banjarmasin. It should also be noted that the Budiluhur Center and BPPKS Banjarmasin have distributed ATENSI assistance in Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan Province.
Member of Commission VIII of DPR RI, H. Syaifullah Tamhila emphasized, "The distribution of assistance by PT. Pos Indonesia must be evaluated, prioritizing transparency in carrying out the disbursement process and verifying the data that has been distributed. This is the supervision function of DPR RI as a working partner of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs."
"This activity is beneficial for listening to responses and aspirations from the community regarding the Ministry of Social Affairs program," Syaifullah added.
The total assistance worth IDR81,106,109,863 consists of Family Hope Program (PKH) Assistance of IDR33,130,999,728, Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) IDR46,480,800,000, Nusantara Economic Heroes (PENA) IDR303,979,728. and Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) of IDR1,109,330,170.
The recipient of a wheelchair in ATENSI assistance, Erlida Yulianti was overjoyed because the wheelchair could facilitate her daily accessibility. She also expressed gratitude to the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini. "Hopefully she will be given health and made it easier to carry out her duties," Erlida hoped.
Present at the specific working visit were Members of Commission VIII of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Expert Staff of the Regent for Development, Economy and Finance, Plt. Head of the East Kalimantan Provincial Office, Head of BBPPKS Banjarmasin, Head of the Budiluhur Center and PKH and Social Companions.