JAKARTA (July 21, 2020) - The Ministry of Social Affairs continues to search for residents who have not received Basic Food Assistance from both the central and regional governments.
Today, the Ministry of Social Affairs' Basic Food Assistance is here to touch residents of Cipinang Besar Utara, East Jakarta who have been affected by COVID-19.
A total of 1,307 food packages from the Ministry of Social Affairs were distributed to 11 RT in RW 5, Cipinang Besar Utara Village, Jatinegara District, East Jakarta. The basic food items were symbolically given by the Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) Advisor of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs, Grace Batubara.
"Currently I'm back here because there may be residents who and haven't received help. Hopefully this assistance can ease the burden of parents," explained Grace Batubara.
The Ministry of Social Affairs' basic necessities are given to people affected by COVID-19 who have never received any social assistance.
A resident of RW 05, Mr Siman (70) stated that he is struggled during the COVID-19 pandemic because he depends on the income of his son who works in a factory to meet his needs. However, since the COVID-19 pandemic, his son has been sent home. It was also time for his son to become an online motorcycle taxi, but now there are fewer online motorcycle taxi users than before the pandemic.
"This assistance is useful for my day-to-day, God willing, it will be enough," added Mr. Siman.
During this visit, Mrs. Grace met a resident named Mrs. Aimah (48). This mother has a disabled child. Her son has been paralyzed since childhood so he cannot talk and move.
With great care, Mrs. Grace took the time to chat while holding her child's hand, which stays still on Mrs. Aimah's lap.
"Alhamdulillah, my heart is very relieved, I get basic necessities, and the contents are really needed for everyday life. There is oil, rice, instant noodles, sardines. Oh God, this is really useful, thank God. Thank you very much Mrs. Minister of Social Affairs, Mr. President," added Mrs. Aimah with her thick Betawi accent.
"Thank you for your visit and attention, Mrs. Minister, hopefully what you have to offer can really benefit the community," explained the head of RW 05 Cipinang Besar Utara sub-district, Mr. M. Syafri Nur.
Also attending the event were Director of Remote Indigenous Community Empowerment, Laode Taufik, Mrs. Oom Komariyah Suharto, Mrs. Syifa Asep Sasa, Mrs. Magda Manalu, Mrs. Betty Laode, Head of Sub-Directorate of TMPNU, and MPN, as well as TMPN, Head of OHH Division of the Directorate General of Social Empowerment.
Basic Food Assistance Comes for Cipinang Besar Utara Residents

OHH Dayasos
OHH Dayasos; Annisa YH
Intan Qonita N