BANDUNG (October 17, 2020) - The Ministry of Social Affairs continues to encourage the acceleration of the realization of the distribution of Rice Social Assistance (BSB) to Family Beneficiaries (KPM) of Family Hope Program (PKH) in the West Java Region.
The Director General of Social Empowerment Edi Suharto checked the BULOG Gedebage Warehouse in Bandung to ensure that the Rice Social Assistance Stock was safe and could be immediately distributed in phase III to KPM PKH in the West Java Region.
During his visit, the Director General of Social Empowerment said to continue to accelerate and increase the distribution of BSB so that it can be realized 100% in October.
"How many warehouses are there and how many can accommodate them?" asked Edi Suharto
"We have 5 warehouse units that can accommodate 3,500 tons each here, sir," replied the Head of the Gedebage Warehouse
The realization of BSB distribution in 27 districts/cities in West Java reached 71÷ for the allocation from August to October with the availability of safe rice stocks and for distribution carried out by the Transporter PT. Bhanda Ghara Reksa works closely with the Social Service, PKH Facilitators and local officials in the distribution process to PKH KPM.
PKH Bandung Regency Coordinator, Nandang explained that the distribution of BSB in the field went smoothly and the response of the people who received the Rice Social Assistance was very happy and grateful when they received the BSB.
"In Bandung regency, the number of PKH KPM is 124,215. Thank God, if there are obstacles in the field related to distribution, they can be resolved," said Nandang
At the end of the visit, the Director General of Social Empowerment together with the Head of the Planning Bureau of the Ministry of Social Affairs discussed directly at the Cimapokolan BULOG Office with the parties involved in the distribution of BSB, starting from Perum BULOG as the rice provider, PT. Bhanda Ghara Reksa (BGR) as Transporter, District/City Social Office, and PKH companions.
"I think the distribution throughout Indonesia is good, BULOG has experience. We note that there is a different touch for BSB compared to cash transfers. Everyone is grateful and happy, especially the recipients of BSB. Hopefully next week it can reach 80% for West Java region," said Edi Suharto
Present at the visit, the Head of the West Java Provincial Social Office, the Head of the Bandung Regency Social Office, Head of Social Security Division of Bandung Regency Social Office, Head of the OHH Section of the Directorate General of Social Empowerment, Head of the Operational Planning and Public Service Division of BULOG, Regional Head of BULOG West Java, Branch Manager of BULOG Bandung. West Java PKH Regional Coordinator, PKH Bandung City Coordinator, PKH Bandung Regency Coordinator, Director of PT. BGR, Head of Division of PT BGR.
Director General of Social Empowerment Visited BULOG Gedebage

OHH Dayasos
OHH Dayasos ; Annisa YH
Intan Qonita N