BANDUNG (October 24, 2020) - The Ministry of Social Affairs is building intense communication and coordination with all parties involved in the distribution of the Social Assistance Rice. This is intended to ensure that the distribution of the Social Assistance Rice for 10 million Family Hope Program (PKH) Family Beneficiaries KPM is completed by the end of October 2020. Following up on the problems in distributing the Social Assistance Rice in the West Java region, a joint meeting was held at the Perum BULOG West Java Regional Office.
Director General of Social Empowerment Edi Suharto, chaired a brief meeting with Perum BULOG and transporter PT Bhanda Ghara Reksa (BGR) in the context of coordinating the completion of the final stage of distribution, discussing realization updates, technical distribution plans until the end of October 2020, budget realization and current issues regarding the Rice Social Assistance. .
"The availability of rice at several points in the West Java region needs to be a concern. Do not let stock shortages and vacancies occur. Anticipation of distribution barriers and alternative solutions are also needed for locations where distribution is constrained due to security stability such as in Asmat. The plan is that in early November a final evaluation of distribution will be held after all 100% of the Rice Social Assistance has been disbursed," explained Edi Suharto.
Overall, the realization of the distribution of the Social Assistance Rice as of October 23 was 95%. West Java with the largest number of PKH KPM and rice tonnage, namely 1,737,884 KPM and rice allocation of around 78,204 tons, as of October 23, distribution by PT BGR was 88.2%. Currently, as many as 16 regencies/cities in the West Java region have distributed 100%.
In the meeting it was agreed to focus on the realization of West Java. One of them is by continuing to supply rice shortages such as in Cianjur, using stock from other regional branches. In general, it is also necessary to conduct field checks on the transportation and delivery processes throughout the region. In addition, it is also necessary to strengthen commitments, including the Social Office and field assistants, to jointly oversee the Rice Social Assistance program so that it is fully distributed until the end of October 2020.
Also present at the meeting were from the Ministry of Social Affairs such as Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Empowerment, Head of Sub-Directorate of Social Welfare Institutions as Commitment Making Officer for Rice Bansos, and Head of Household Subsection of the Directorate General of Social Empowerment. Representatives from Perum BULOG: Director of Supply Chain and Public Services of Perum BULOG, Head of the PPA Division of the Central Bureau of Logistics Office, and Regional Head of BULOG West Java. Meanwhile, PT BGR was represented by the Commercial Director, Vice President Operations, and the Head of PT BGR West Java.
Ministry of Social Affairs Encourages Rice Social Assistance Absorption in West Java Region

OHH Dayasos
OHH Dayasos ; Annisa YH
Intan Qonita N