BANDUNG (October 23, 2020) - The Ministry of Social Affairs held an October Leadership Meeting at the Intercontinental Hotel Bandung.
The Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs, Juliari P. Batubara, directly opened the routine Leadership Meeting which was attended by Middle High Executive Officers and Primary High Executive Officers.
Until now, the budget absorption at the Directorate General of Social Empowerment has reached 60.31%. The flagship programs at the Directorate General of Social Empowerment include: ProKUS with a performance achievement of 68.60%, PKATBest with a performance achievement of 62.36%, Social Restoration with a performance achievement of 116.67%, and SLRT-Puskesos with a performance achievement of 100. %.
In addition, the Rice Social Assistance (BSB) which is currently under the responsibility of the Directorate General of Social Empowerment, the realization rate of its implementation based on data from BULOG has reached more than 90%. The data is obtained from rice data that has been released from the BULOG warehouse and will be delivered via transporters to Family Hope Program (PKH) Family Beneficiaries (KPM).
"For the Rice Social Assistance, we are still monitoring the BULOG warehouses. And hopefully by the end of October we can reach 100% until the third stage,“ explained Edi Suharto.
In the process of distributing BSB, it is not free from obstacles and barrier. Starting from the extreme geographical conditions, the scarcity of diesel fuel, security disturbances, fumigation, and heavy rainfall in several areas in Indonesia.
"Certainly, the distribution of rice is not easy, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic and also geographical conditions. Some of the obstacles that can be anticipated, one of which is the challenges in the field that encourage us to set the BSB distribution strategy. The involvement of PKH companions is also remarkable,” added Edi Suharto.
The Minister of Social Affairs responded to the progress of BSB quite well. He hoped that it can be completed within the specified time target.
On this occasion, Edi Suharto also explained about the National Priority program plan in 2021, such as strengthening Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and District Social Welfare Worker (TKSK) forums, developing Social Welfare Center-Integrated Service and Referral System (SLRT-Puskesos), Productive Socio-Economic Assistance for the poor, and empowerment for Remote Indigenous Community (KAT) residents. In addition, a rejuvenation of the ceremonial plaza of the Kalibata Main National Heroes Cemetery will also be planned.
The Minister of Social Affairs advised to increase the strengthening of social pillars by creating a coaching program for them.
“I ask for the program to foster social pillars, and not to let them go. Hold regular meetings, you can use videoconferencing,” added Juliari P. Batubara.
Not only that, the Directorate General of Social Empowerment is currently also preparing to commemorate Hero's Day on November 10 and National Social Solidarity Day (HKSN) on December 20. It was also stated that the 2 activities would be dominated by remote or virtual activities.
Social Empowerment Budget Absorption Has Reached 60 Percent

OHH Dayasos
OHH Dayasos ; Annisa YH
Intan Qonita N