PANGANDARAN (March 30, 2021) – The Ministry of Social Affairs through Disaster Preparedness Cadets (Tagana), planted 2.7 million mangrove seedlings in all corners of Indonesia.
The Director of Social Protection for Victims of Natural Disasters (PSKBA) at the Ministry of Social Affairs, M. Safii Nasution, explained that the mangrove planting carried out in mutual cooperation involving all local Tagana members was aimed at minimizing the impact of Megathrust.
“This planting is to anticipate the threat of Megathrust that is expected to occur. This is also done for the restoration of ecosystems in coastal areas," said Safii in Pangandaran, Tuesday (30/3).
Mangroves are one of the coastal ecosystems that have a very important role for human life. "Hopefully the community can maintain and care for the mangrove seedlings planted, and can feel the benefits of the existence of the mangrove ecosystem," he hoped.
This mangrove planting activity is part of the 17th anniversary of Tagana. Safii said that the peak of Tagana's anniversary was centered in Pangandaran Regency, West Java.
Enhancement of Basic Tagana Skills
In addition to planting mangrove seedlings, Safii explained, the Ministry of Social Affairs has also increased the capacity for basic rescue capabilities that Tagana must possess. The three basic skills are vertical rescue, water rescue and Emergency First Aid (PPGD).
Vertical Recue is the rescue of disaster victims who are at the bottom of a cliff or lower area. Meanwhile, Water Rescue is assistance to victims of disasters or accidents who are in the water. Meanwhile, PPGD is the provision of first aid to disaster or accident victims before the medical team arrives at the scene.
“We provide all of these materials to all Tagana personnel as their provisions when they go to disaster locations. If someone is affected by the disaster and it happens that only Tagana personnel are there, then these personnel can provide first aid before the medical and SAR teams arrive," said Safii.
After basic training is carried out, Safii explained, the Ministry of Social Affairs conducted a competition to measure the basic abilities of Tagana members.
“In this competition, each province sends the best four representatives. For two days, each participant demonstrated all the basic rescue skills in the Pangandaran Nature Reserve,” he said.
In addition, Safii continued, there are also competitions that are held online due to the current pandemic situation, so not all of them are brought to Pangandaran. "The online competitions include Public Kitchens, Logistics, Shelters, Psychosocial Support Services (LDP) and the Posts," he concluded.
Celebrating 17th Tagana Anniversary, Ministry of Social Affairs Planted 2.7 Million Mangrove Seeds

Joko Hariyanto
Annisa YH
Intan Qonita N