BOGOR (January 20, 2021) - The flash flood in Puncak, Bogor that occurred in the Gunung Mas area, Tugu Selatan Village, Cisarua District, Bogor Regency, Tuesday (19/1), received the attention of the relevant Ministries/Institutions.
The Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK), Muhadjir Effendy, together with the Director of Family Social Security (JSK), Rachmat Koesnadi, who were present on behalf of the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini, accompanied by the Regent of Bogor, Ade Yasin, inspected the location of the Puncak flash flood, Wednesday ( 20/1).
Muhadjir explained the high incidence of natural disasters that occurred in Indonesia due to the impact of the La Nina storm. One of them is the natural disaster of a flash flood in Bogor Regency, West Java (West Java).
"My observations, in terms of the environment, as far as I have observed and the report from the President Director of PTP Gunung Mas, are actually in good condition and well-maintained. However, I recommend immediately planting hard trees so that environmental conditions are safer," said Muhadjir at the flooded location, Wednesday (20/1).
According to him, in addition to perennials, based on the declaration of President Joko Widodo, areas prone to flooding and landslides need to increase the planting of shrubs, especially in areas with extreme slopes.
"This shrub is very important because it has a very strong grip to prevent and minimize the occurrence of landslides on loose soils, as well as flash floods," said Muhadjir.
Ministry of Social Affairs' Assistance
The Director of Family Social Security (JSK) of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Rachmat Koesnadi, explained that the Ministry of Social Affairs distributed assistance worth IDR 107,357,775 in Phase I to victims of flash floods in Gunung Mas, Bogor Regency.
"This assistance is in the form of baby food, blankets, mattresses and other logistics. This is a form of the state being present to help the community," said Rachmat.
After reviewing the field conditions, in accordance with the direction of the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, Phase II assistance worth IDR 121,643,665 was distributed, namely in the form of other evacuee needs, such as cooking utensils, plates, cooking spices, LPG gas, toiletries, washing, sanitary napkins, diapers and others.
To help carry out the evacuation, said Rachmat, the Ministry of Social Affairs has also deployed Disaster Preparedness Cadets (Tagana), PKH Human Resources, District Social Welfare Workers (TKSK), Karang Taruna and other volunteers as many as 350 people.
"They, together with the TNI-POLRI and the Regional Government, will evacuate and provide assistance to the victims," added Rachmat.
Meanwhile, to meet food needs, the Ministry of Social Affairs has also opened a public kitchen since the first day after the incident. "The public kitchen has cooked 900 portions of food on Tuesday (19/1) and today (20/1) cooked 1,120 portions of food for evacuees," he explained.
Regional Board for Disaster Management (BPBD) data recorded that 169 heads of families had been evacuated with a total of 730 people.
Coordinating Minister for PMK and the Ministry of Social Affairs Ensure the Needs of Bogor Landslide Evacuees are Fulfilled

Alek Triyono (OHH Ditjen Linjamsos)
Annisa YH
Intan Qonita N