JAKARTA (October 26, 2020) - The implementation of the 2020 budget is expected to be completed on time. This was conveyed by the Director General of Social Protection and Security (Linjamsos) of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Pepen Nazaruddin in Jakarta, Monday (26/10).
According to him, there are many things to translate what the Minister of Social Affairs, Juliari P. Batubara, said. "First, the implementation of budget absorption for this year must be faster, more complete, and there should be no drastic Excess of Budget Calculation (SILPA)," said Pepen at the 2020 Program Evaluation Meeting and 2021 Budget Compilation, Directorate of Social Protection for Social Disaster Victims (PSKBS).
In the activity which was attended by the Secretary of Linjamsos, M.O. Royani, Social Protection for Victims of Social Disasters (PSKBS) Director, Sunarti, and all ranks within the PSKBS Directorate, Pepen reminded that the PSKBS Directorate only has a few days left until December 12, 2020. "For this reason, several administrative implementations must also be ensured that they are neat," asked Pepen.
The 2021 budget, said Pepen, still focuses on handling COVID-19, "Regarding the preparation of the budget in 2021, there are several issues that must be caught by the PSKBS Directorate, including the main issue of the COVID-19 pandemic, which is still one of the priority programs in 2021," he explained.
Pepen hopes that the handling of COVID-19 in 2021 will be more focused, "Earlier, when COVID-19 entered Indonesia for the first time, maybe we are still groping. Now, we have seen how the dynamics are, so for the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021, I will please be more focused," asked Pepen.
In addition to handling COVID-19, he continued, the PSKBS Directorate still has a number of flagship programs, such as Strengthening Local Wisdom, Increasing Social Harmony, and Psychosocial Support Services (LDP).
"Then, how to improve human resources for Pioneers, mediators, and no less important is to build and maintain work networks with various institutions to make the work program of the PSKBS Directorate a success," he added.
In order to continue to create peace and prevent social disasters and social conflicts, the PSKBS Directorate allocates local activities owned, along with their respective budgets.
"The local wisdom program must still be developed, as well as social harmony. Because what is called a social disaster, social conflict is better to prevent, strengthen local wisdom and social harmony to minimize conflicts that arise in the community," he concluded.
Focus on Handling COVID-19, Director General of Social Protection and Security: 2020's Budget Must Be Completed

Alek Triyono
Intan Qonita N
Intan Qonita N