BOGOR (March 28th, 2024) – Many disasters that occurred in Bogor Regency prompted Commission VIII DPR RI and the Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) to carry out a specific working visit to Bogor Regency, Tuesday (26/3). This working visit focused on managing social assistance and disaster management in Bogor Regency so that it was hoped that it could increase the effectiveness of disaster management and social welfare in disaster-prone areas in Bogor Regency.
The Acting Bogor Regent Asmawa Tosepu revealed that up to March 2024, 375 disasters had occurred in Bogor Regency. Therefore, during the visit, Commission VIII DPR RI emphasized the importance of accurate distribution of social assistance so that it could truly help all residents in need, especially those who experienced social vulnerability.
"MoSA, basically, plays the role of paymaster. Regarding data collection, from the village government on up, the data needs to be improved so that the assistance is right on target," said member of Commission VIII DPR RI John Kennedy Aziz.
Apart from disaster management, another thing during this specific working visit was concerned on disability empowerment. Chairman of Commission VIII DPR RI Working Visit Team, Marwan Dasopang, highlighted the need for efforts to build self-confidence for people with disabilities so that they can utilize the potential and skills they have.
“In South Labuhan Batu, for example, there are people with visual disabilities who are competent in the field of local arts and culture. Currently, he has been facilitated by MoSA. Now, if we want to invite him (to attend this morning's event), the answer will be no empty schedules yet. It means that he has been successful and empowered enough, despite his physical limitations. Why did it work? Because he has self-confidence," he explained.
One of the residents who has succeeded in building self-confidence with disabilities is Deni Hardiyani (45). Despite having physical limitations, this resident from Cicalengka managed to achieve success. Through the training and assistance she received at "Inten Soeweno" Integrated Center (STIS) in Cibinong owned by the MoSA, Deni succeeded in opening a mobile phone repair business and making a positive contribution to her surrounding community.
Now, Deni receives assistance from another UPT of MoSA, namely "Galih Pakuan" Center in Bogor in the form of basic necessities, nutrition, personal hygiene and mobile phone service equipment upgrades worth IDR 7,159,172.
“This assistance is very suitable for my needs and desires. I and my friends with disabilities have studied mobile phone service as nowadays mobile phones are getting more sophisticated," said him.
Apart from Deni, there were 158 people belonging to vulnerable groups in Bogor Regency area who had also been handled by "Galih Pakuan" Center in Bogor.
"As of March 2024, "Galih Pakuan" Center in Bogor has provided Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) assistance to 158 vulnerable communities with total assistance worth IDR 277,710,043. We received the report from various sources, such as media, public and special information coming from MoSA’s Command Center," said the Head of "Galih Pakuan" Center in Bogor, Rinto Indratmoko.
The assistance handed over by MoSA to Bogor Regency during this visit reached a total of IDR 286,616,515,687, including disaster logistics assistance, PKH, Basic Food Programs, and ATENSI.
Public Relations Bureau
Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs
MoSA Optimizes Distribution of Social Assistance, and Encourages Self-Confidence of Person with Disabilities
