CILEDUG (November 24, 2020) - In order to improve social disaster mitigation, the Director General of Social Protection and Security, Pepen Nazaruddin, inaugurated the Paninggilan Social Harmony Monument in Ciledug District, Tangerang City, Tuesday (24/11).
Pepen explained the inauguration of the Social Harmony Monument as a sign of harmony and brotherhood among local residents.
"We have inaugurated this monument not only physically to beautify this environment, but also a reminder that the people of Paninggilan are always determined to maintain brotherhood, harmony and harmony," said Pepen when inaugurating the Paninggilan Social Harmony Monument.
According to him, social harmony and local wisdom are carried out in the context of mitigating social disasters which cannot be predicted when and where exactly will occur.
"For that, all levels of society must be prepared by continuing to maintain social harmony, whatever its form, because disasters can occur at any time," said Pepen.
With the existence of social harmony, Pepen hopes that various forms of social problems that arise in society can be prevented.
In addition to inaugurating the Social Harmony Monument, accompanied by the Director of Social Protection for victims of social disasters (PSKBS), Sunarti, Pepen also handed over 250 packages of basic necessities to residents of Paninggilan Village.
Social Congeniality Assistance
Meanwhile, Sunarti said that Peninggilan Village was one of the areas that received Social Harmony assistance from the 350 locations that were given assistance.
"One of the activities from 350 Social Harmony locations including one location in Tangerang City has been carried out according to the stages of the PSKBS Directorate's series of activities," she said.
The assistance provided for Paninggilan Social Harmony amounted to 150 million rupiah, while Local Wisdom for 2 studios received Rp100 million for Rp50 million each.
"The assistance has been carried out for physical development, namely in the form of building renovations, and fences for sports buildings, as well as multipurpose buildings," said Sunarti.
Among the physical developments, added Sunarti, there is an Arts Center facility which until now has been used by children to learn online.
"So, Alhamdulillah, we feel grateful because it turns out that this location has carried out this activity well, not only preventing social conflicts, but media for gathering residents have also been prepared," she concluded.
Social Disaster Mitigation, Ministry of Social Affairs Inaugurates Social Harmony Monument in Ciledug

Alif Mufida Ulya
Annisa YH
Intan Qonita N