MAKASSAR (April 20, 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs gave awards to the families of two teacher victims who were victims of the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in Papua. The award was handed over directly by the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini to the wives of the two victims, namely Yonathan Renden's wife, Dewi Gita Paliling, and Oktovianus Rayo's wife, Natalina Pamean.
The award was presented at the Makassar Social Welfare Training Education Center (BBPPKS) Regional V, South Sulawesi, Tuesday (20/4).
"Teachers have struggled and paved the way for the children there to be better, so when the award was offered I signed it right away," said Risma after handing over the two awards, Tuesday (20/4).
The central government, said Risma, has disbursed special autonomy funds (otsus) which are used to improve social welfare and people's lives in Papua.
"However, there are parties who are dissatisfied, even though the teachers who are victims are willing to be in a very far place to build the children there to be better," said Risma.
Regarding the proposal to provide scholarships for the children of teachers who are victims, this is not the authority of the Ministry of Social Affairs but has become the task area of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud).
"To provide scholarships for teachers' children and increase the status of teachers from honorary, it is not our authority, but we will encourage and propose to the Ministry of Education and Culture," she added.
Risma hopes that all components of the nation will not hold grudges against each other, but will join hands so that they are able to get through difficult situations. She asked the victim's family to fully surrender the handling of the case to the authorities.
"For the families of the victims to be sincere and related to handling cases, hand them over to state institutions, and let's join hands so that we can get through this difficult situation," Risma hoped.
As is known, Oktovianus Rayo and Yonathan Renden were shot dead by the KKB in Beoga District, Puncak Regency, Papua.
Oktovianus Rayo was shot by KKB while guarding his stall on Thursday (8/4). Meanwhile, Yonathan Renden was shot when he was trying to cover Oktovianus' coffin on Friday (9/4).
Teachers Become KKB Victims, Minister of Social Affairs Gives Appreciation to Victims' Families

Alek Triyono (OHH Ditjen Linjamsos)
David Myoga
Intan Qonita N