DEPOK (July 28th 2020) - Ministry of Social Affairs to distribute 2,000 packages of social assistance (social aid) basic foods to Family of Putra Putri (KBPP) Indonesian National Police (INP) in Mako Brimob Depok. The assistance was given because the Minister of Social Affairs, Juliari P. Batubara, assessed that the National Police had a very important role in supporting the smooth running of every activity of the Ministry of Social Affairs.
"As the front line in facilitating all government programs, including the activities carried out by the Ministry of Social Affairs, we give the highest appreciation to the Police," said Social Minister Juliari at the Mobile Brigade Headquarters, Depok City, Tuesday (28/7).
Not only ensuring that the community gets protection and a sense of security, the Minister continued, the National Police has also worked hard to provide escort and security, especially for the distribution of basic food assistance for the handling of COVID-19 from the Ministry of Social Affairs since last April.
For this reason, in addition to distributing social assistance to the public in general, his party stated that the Ministry of Social Affairs is also obliged to help parties who have contributed a lot, such as the Police.
"Without the support of the security forces (Polri), I can guarantee that the distribution of social assistance in the field will be chaotic. Therefore, we feel the need to provide assistance to the big family of the Police who are in need as a result of being affected by COVID-19, said the former Head of IMI for 2 periods.
Henceforth, the Minister of Social Affairs requested that the activities of the Ministry of Social Affairs in the field continue to be accompanied by the Police. "We also ask the Police to continue to accompany various types of aid distribution processes in the field so that they run safely and in an orderly manner," said Ari, the nickname of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) politician.
Social Minister Juliari was present accompanied by the Director General of Social Protection and Security, Pepen Nazaruddin and the Inspector General of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Dadang Iskandar. His arrival was greeted by the General Chairperson of the National Police KBPP, AH Bimo Suryono and the Commander of the Brimob Police Corps, Inspector General Pol. Anang Revandoko.
At least 1,125 food packages were handed over by the Ministry of Social Affairs to the National Police KBPP at the Mobile Brigade Headquarters, Depok City. The Minister of Social Affairs emphasized that the Ministry of Social Affairs is ready to send a number of additional basic food assistance to the Police if it is still needed.
Meanwhile, the General Chairperson of the National Police KBPP, AH Bimo Suryono, welcomed the Ministry of Social Affairs quick response to a request for assistance submitted by his unit some time ago. "We really appreciate the request for our assistance which was responded very quickly by the Ministry of Social Affairs," he said.
Although he often helps oversee the distribution of social assistance, he said that several members who were part of Brimob were indirectly affected by the COVID-19 outbreak.
"This is a form of the President's concern for all of us, especially those affected by COVID-19, through the Ministry of Social Affairs. We at Brimob are also non-permanent members, freelancers, and some even have their wives left behind by their husbands," said Bimo.
Through the Ministry of Social Affairs and the National Police KBPP, basic food assistance will be distributed to retired National Police in need, mosque and church administrators in the Brimob Mako area, casual daily workers, and other affected communities. The distribution was marked by the release of trucks carrying basic food assistance by the Minister of Social Affairs from the Mobile Brigade Headquarters, Depok City.
The Form of Gratitude, the Ministry of Social Affairs Distributes Basic Necessities to the National Police KBPP

Alif Mufida Ulya
Joko Hariyanto; Intan Qonita N
Mellin Sindi P; Karlina Irsalyana