BOGOR (January 6, 2020) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the Directorate of Family Social Security (JSK) directly handed over the distribution of the Family Hope Program (PKH) assistance to Family Beneficiaries (KPM) who have an element of disability in Hambalang Village, Citeureup District, Bogor Regency, Wednesday (6/1).
On that occasion, the Director of JSK, Rachmat Koesnadi visited one of the KPM, Ubed (50) and Eni (40) who have a son and daughter named Wahyu (28) and Pipih (19) with disabilities whose address is at Cikalahalang Hamlet, Hambalang Village, Citeureup District , Bogor Regency, West Java.
Ubed admitted that he was very happy to get help from the Ministry of Social Affairs. Ubed, who has two children with disabilities, explained that so far he has only received one PKH program for one child.
"Thank you to the government for helping us, my family and I just hope that my two children can receive PKH assistance," he hoped.
Rachmat Koesnadi asked the channeling agent or PKH program assistant or the bank to directly deliver the aid to the KPM's house with the Disability and Elderly component.
"We want to make sure that the KPM with severe disabilities and the elderly in terms of disbursement by agents or the bank is delivered to their homes, they are not possible to collect them themselves except by their guardians," he told the media, Wednesday (6/1).
On the same day, the Director of JSK and his team also reviewed the distribution of PKH cash assistance in Purwakarta Regency by visiting KPM PKH with the category of Elderly and Severely Disabled.
Nationally, the Ministry of Social Affairs recorded the number of recipients of the PKH social assistance as many as 10 million KPM. For the elderly category as many as 1,506,866 people and for the category of persons with disabilities as many as 109,524 people.
“Of this number, Bogor Regency has 14,189 elderly people and 1,794 people with disabilities. While the number of recipients of PKH social assistance for West Java Province is 1,687,498 KPM, of which there are 197,022 elderly and 16,163 people with disabilities," said the Director.
Ubed: Thank You Ministry of Social Affairs for Helping My Child (with Disability)

Alek Triyono (OHH Ditjen Linjamsos)
Annisa YH
Intan Qonita N