JAKARTA (January 15, 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs has prepared basic needs and basic needs for earthquake victims in Majene and Mamuju, West Sulawesi. Logistics assistance came from a warehouse in Mamuju and was sent from a regional warehouse in Makassar, South Sulawesi, this morning.
Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini has ordered his staff to immediately dispatch personnel for Disaster Preparedness Cadets (Tagana) to the surrounding area, the Psychosocial Support Service Team (LDP), and distribute various logistical assistance following the 6.2 magnitude (M) earthquake that rocked Majene and Mamuju, West Sulawesi province.
"Logistics assistance is already on its way to the location affected by the earthquake. The LDP team reported that they have also moved. We are trying to help as soon as possible for the handling of residents affected by the earthquake," explained Risma in a press release today.
Risma added that for first aid, the local Disaster Preparedness Cadets (Tagana) had evacuated with BPBD and TNI-Polri. Logistics assistance such as mattresses, tents, children's equipment, elderly equipment, ready-to-eat food, and others will be delivered in stages starting this morning.
"All logistics in the West Sulawesi warehouse are issued to help the community. A public kitchen will be established at the evacuation point. We will immediately inform you of the update. One unit of a public kitchen car can cook up to 2000 rice packs in one cooking, so that in a day it can produce 6000 wrapped rice, " added Risma.
Risma emphasized that the government would provide compensation to the victims who died.
"We will continue to update the data because the team is still collecting data. According to the SOP, the deceased will receive compensation of Rp. 15 million per person, which will be handed over to the heirs.
The plan is that the Director of Social Protection for Victims of Natural Disasters at the Ministry of Social Affairs M Safii Nasution will lead a team to the earthquake site to identify the needs and coordinate with the local government.
A number of high-rise buildings in the city of Mamuju, West Sulawesi Province, collapsed due to an earthquake measuring 6.2 magnitude that occurred Friday, at 02.28 WITA. The epicenter of the earthquake was 4 kilometers northeast of Majene Regency, West Sulawesi. However, the tremors of the earthquake were felt as far as Mamuju, Makassar to Palu.
West Sulawesi Earthquake, Ministry of Social Affairs Issued West Sulawesi Warehouse Logistics and Sends It from Makassar Regional This Morning

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