JAKARTA (16th June 2020) – Government Internal Control System (SPIP) is an important thing in good governance. With SPIP, monitoring activities in progress is more easily. Therefore, the Inspectorate General continues to strengthen SPIP within the UPT Social Rehabilitation Center of Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia so that the Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (APIP) can monitor activities at UPT more easily.
SPIP is always strengthening periodically. Even though on this occasion the strengthening of SPIP was hindered by the COVID-19 pandemic, it can still be done through online platform or via video conference. This time, the Inspector General held SPIP Strengthening Activities within the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs which discussed the Risk Assessment of Social Assistance Distribution.
The Inspector General, Dadang Iskandar, said "In guarding the budget and activities, there are several things that are considered by APIP. These things are compliance with the code of ethics, quality control of audits, management of audit risk, consideration of materiality, documentation of examinations, and effective communication throughout the examination." In addition, Mr. Dadang also explained that there are five stages in the risk analysis of social assistance distribution in the UPT social rehabilitation center environment. The five stages are planning, data collection of social assistance recipients, procurement of social assistance, distribution of social assistance, then reporting and accountability.
The meeting which was held via video conference was attended by 83 participants consisting of officials and staff within the Inspectorate General, and the Head of the UPT Social Rehabilitation Center within the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.
Inspector General Strengthens SPIP at UPT Social Rehabilitation Center

Dian Catur P.K.
Intan Qonita N
Salsabila Baiqlis R; Karlina Irsalyana