BOGOR (January 21, 2021) - As an effort to equalize perceptions and action steps in the implementation of the 2021 supervision program in a directed, integrated, effective, efficient, transparent, accountable manner and in accordance with applicable regulations, the Inspectorate General held a Program Technical Coordination Meeting (Rakortek) Supervision of the Inspectorate General in 2021. The activity which was opened directly by the Inspector General, Dadang Iskandar, was also carried out online through a Zoom Meeting.
Rakortek held on 18 s.d. January 21 was attended by 35 participants from the Inspectorate General and resource persons from the Ministry of Finance and the Planning Bureau. The objectives of holding this Coordination Meeting are the identification of obstacles to implementing the 2020 program, formulation of alternative solutions to strategic issues, both internal and external to the Inspectorate General, compiling a mapping of the implementation of the supervision program in 2021, and compiling technical policies for program supervision in 2021.
In this activity, speakers who were also present from the Ministry of Finance were Komala Rini as Head of the Budget Sub-Directorate for Social Welfare and the Presidency and Muhammad Idris as Head of the Budget Section for Social Welfare and the Presidency 3.
Komala said, “There are several things that must be considered in the Ministry of Social Affairs' Budgeting Policy. These policies include the Ministry/Agency Expenditure Policy, and the SBM Policy for the 2021 Fiscal Year.”
"The SBM Policy for the 2021 Fiscal Year pays attention to several things, namely accommodating the revised PMK SBM policy for FY 2020, adapting new normal habits, controlling events, meetings, teams, and honorariums, improving norms based on the results of studies and proposals from State Ministries/Institutions," explained Komala.
Meanwhile, within the scope of the Inspectorate General, there are several things that are the focus of discussion. The focus of the Inspectorate General's supervision in 2021 is strengthening supervision of priority programs through Community Based Audits, Thematic/Specific Audits and Assistance, monitoring strategies for responding to public complaints, supervision of the COVID-19 handling program which is the task of the Ministry of Social Affairs, completion of follow-up reports on inspection results. and discussion of the mechanism for assigning the supervisory team.
Inspectorate General Creates Synergy through Rakortek

Dian Catur P.K.
Annisa YH
Intan Qonita N