JAKARTA (January 6, 2020) – Starting 2021, the Inspectorate for Social Rehabilitation will hold Technical Guidance on the Process and Procedure for the Review of State Property (BMN) Reassessment to strengthen Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (APIP) supervision within the Inspectorate General regarding the escort of BMN. This online activity was opened by the Secretary of the Inspectorate General, Arif Nahari and also attended by the Inspector for Social Rehabilitation, Margowiyono, resource persons from the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Finance and auditor representatives from each Field Inspectorate consisting of technical controllers, team leaders and members team.
The Secretary of the Inspectorate General, Arif Nahari, said, "The Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (APIP) plays an important role in carrying out the review of the improvement in the revaluation of BMN carried out in 2020 as well as monitoring to ensure that the BMN reassessment process has been carried out. correctly in order to produce quality, valid and accurate data. The things that need to be considered in the implementation of the review and follow-up on the results of the review include the Notes on the Results of the Review, the Detailed Data of BMN, and supporting documents for the Follow-up.”
In this technical guidance, four resource persons were presented from Inspectorate IV of the Ministry of Finance. Each resource person conveyed reinforcement on a different subject. Akhmad Musoffa as one of the Technical Controllers at Inspectorate IV of the Ministry of Finance conveyed the 2017-2018 BMN reassessment review strategy by APIP K/L. Hendrawan Yoesianto as one of the Team Leaders at Inspectorate IV of the Ministry of Finance explained about the Risk Identification of the Implementation of the BMN Inventory. Rahmatullah Permadi (Member of the Inspectorate IV Team of the Ministry of Finance) conveyed about the Review Technique for BMN Inventory Improvement, while Rizky Ath Thoriq, Member of the Inspectorate IV Team of the Ministry of Finance) explained about case studies of non-land BMN inventory reviews.
During this COVID-19 pandemic, evaluation reviews of BMN in many Ministries/Institutions encountered several obstacles, including the limited implementation of BMN physical checks. However, the 2020 BMN evaluation review remains the responsibility of all K/L that must be completed.
"Although physical checks cannot be carried out, online reviews with the State Property and Auction Service Office (KPKNL) can still be carried out," said Akhmad Musoffa. "The report must be completed immediately before the deadline while maintaining the quality of the BMN inventory."
Inspectorate General Reinforce State Property Control Through Technical Guidance Meeting

Dian Catur P.K.
Annisa YH
Intan Qonita N