JAKARTA (June 30, 2020) – Located at the Aneka Bhakti Building, the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs held the implementation of Bureaucratic Reform as well as the launch of the Ministry of Social's Digiwork Application. This activity was carried out in line with the Submit Online Self Assessment of the Implementation of Bureaucratic Reform (PMPRB) through pmprb.menpan.go.id. This activity was attended by the Minister of Social Affairs, Middle High Officials, Special Advisor to the Minister of Social Affairs and Primary High Officials, the entire Bureaucratic Reform Team, as well as the Bureaucratic Reform Task Force within the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs. In this case, also attended by all employees within the Inspectorate General. This activity also featured resource persons from the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform, the Corruption Eradication Commission, and the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency.
The Self Assessment of the Implementation of Bureaucratic Reform (PMPRB) which is currently being implemented is an instrument for assessing the progress of the implementation of bureaucratic reform which is carried out independently by the Ministry of Social Affairs. The purpose of the Self Assessment of the Implementation of Bureaucratic Reform is to facilitate Ministries/Agencies and Local Governments in providing information on the progress of bureaucratic reform implementation and improvement efforts that need to be made by the relevant Ministries/Agencies and Regional Governments.
“The Ministry of Social's Bureaucratic Reform Assessment is gradually increasing. In 2019, the Ministry of Social Affairs rose from 74.25 to 77.08. However, this figure is still below our target. This year, we hope that there will be a significant increase in the achievements of the Ministry of Social Bureaucratic Reform," said Inspector General, Dadang Iskandar.
Dadang added, "There are eight areas of change implemented to achieve the goals of Bureaucratic Reform, namely the mental apparatus, supervision, accountability, institutions, management, human resources of the apparatus, laws and regulations, and public services. The Inspectorate General as part of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs also participates in this area of change, especially in terms of supervision. We are always trying to increase surveillance, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic where the Ministry of Social Affairs is in the spotlight.”
In addition to supervision, Dadang also emphasized that the Inspectorate General also oversees employee performance, including through the Integrity Zone, Corruption Free Area and Clean Serving Bureaucratic Area which were built in all work units within the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs.
Ministry of Social Affairs Conducts Online Submit PMPRB and Digiwork Application

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