JAKARTA (October 21, 2020) - Entering the third stage of the Evaluation of the Development of the Integrity Zone (ZI), namely the Exposure to the Implementation of the ZI Development, the Inspectorate General as the Internal Assessment Team carried out the Strengthening of Preparation for the Evaluation of the Development of the Integrity Zone to prepare 13 work units who passed the second stage. The online meeting was attended by 83 participants consisting of representatives of 13 work units, representatives of the Directorate General of Poverty Handling and a team from the Inspectorate General. The Inspector General and Secretary of the Inspectorate General were also present at this meeting.
This online meeting is an effort by the Inspectorate General to prepare an evaluation for the proposed satker to get the title of Corruption Free Area (WBK). There are 13 satkers that enter into this third stage, namely "Mulya Jaya" Social Rehabilitation for Women with Social Deviance Issues (BRSEWTS) in Jakarta, "Paramita" Social Rehabilitation Center for Children Need Special Protection (BRSAMPK) in Mataram, "Handayani" BRSAMPK in Jakarta, "Budhi Luhur" Social Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Mental Disabilities (BRSPDM) in Banjarbaru, "Dharma Guna" BRSPDM in Bengkulu, "Pangudi Luhur" Social Rehabilitation Center for Ex-Homeless and Beggar (BRSEGP) in Bekasi, "Satria" Social Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Drug Abuse (BRSKPN) in Baturraden, "Tan Miyat" Social Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Visual Disabilities (BRSPDSN) in Bekasi, "Toddopuli" BRSAMPK in Makassar, "Margo Laras" BRSPDM in Pati, "Phala Martha" BRSPDM in Sukabumi, "Kahuripan" Social Rehabilitation Center for Persons with HIV (LRSODH) in Sukabumi and the Directorate General of Poverty Handling. From the results of the self-assessment of the Evaluation Worksheet and supporting documents, these thirteen work units have met the required score of 75.
The Inspector General, Dadang Iskandar, said, “When delivering presentations to the KemenpanRB in each work unit, they must prepare a comprehensive, accountable presentation and provide confidence that the resulting performance is appropriate. It is hoped that the thirteen work units can get the WBK predicate and this will support the performance of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs. For the work unit who have not passed the assessment, this is not due to a lack of leadership commitment, but due to administrative shortcomings.”
Secretary of the Inspectorate General, Arif Nahari, added “Currently the Ministry of Social Affairs is in the process of implementing the Bureaucratic Reform evaluation and is in the stage of completing the organizational and positional integrity survey. This survey was conducted online on October 19, 2020 with 721 employees from various work units of the Ministry of Social Affairs as respondents.”
The evaluation process of the Corruption-Free Region satker is a series of implementation of Bureaucratic Reform within the Ministry of Social Affairs. For this reason, each work unit head must be able to provide concrete information that is easily understood by the KemenpanRB evaluator team. This is intended to build trust in the evaluator team for the work produced by the work unit in particular, and by the Ministry of Social Affairs as a whole.
Strengthening Integrity Zone Development Evaluation Preparation

Dian Catur P.K.
Intan Qonita N
Intan Qonita N