JAKARTA (January 20, 2021) – The Inspectorate General is taking various efforts to oversee the accountability of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs. One of the efforts taken is by cooperating with the Attorney General's Office to oversee the programs in the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs.
To begin with, today the Inspectorate General held a Coordination Meeting of the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Attorney General's Office for the Monitoring and Supervision of the Ministry of Social Affairs Program in 2021 which was held in the 7th Floor Meeting Room of the Ministry of Social Affairs Building.
The Coordination Meeting which was attended by the Inspector General was also attended by the Primary High Leaders within the Inspectorate General, Director of PFM Region II, Director of PFM Region III, Acting Head of the General Bureau, representatives from the Finance Bureau, and representatives from the Attorney General's Office. Meanwhile, on this occasion, each representative from the work unit explained the outline of the problems being faced in each work unit.
The Attorney General's Office welcomes the efforts of the Ministry of Social Affairs to cooperate in overseeing supervision and has formed a team to assist the Ministry of Social Affairs. Sufari, the Main Prosecutor of Pratama from the Head of Sub-Directorate of Directorate IV of the Attorney General's Office, said, “The Attorney General has prepared a decree and is happy to work together to oversee the accountability of the Ministry of Social Affairs. However, due to the diversity of problems faced, the technical unit is expected to be more detailed in conveying facts on the ground so that the Attorney General's Office can take more concrete and realistic steps.”
The Inspector General, Dadang Iskandar also said, “Community complaints (dumas) are one of the things that the Inspectorate General pays attention to. The Attorney General's Office is expected to work together to handle these complaints in the field.”
"Nevertheless, the problems and complaints in the field need to be explored further so that the priority scale, potential and existing obstacles can be determined so that the Attorney General's Office can map out the necessary steps," Dadang added.
The Ministry of Social Affairs Collaborates with the Attorney General's Office to Strengthen Accountability Control

Dian Catur P.K.
Annisa YH
Intan Qonita N