Pasuruan (November 3, 2024) - Ministry of Social Affairs continues to show its commitment to provide attention and support for the families of Heroes who have contributed greatly to the nation independence and sovereignty.
After visiting the family home of RMTA. Soerjo in Surabaya, Ministry of Social Affairs returned to the family home of one of the national heroes, Brigadier General H. Hasan Basry in Pasuruan on Sunday (3/11).
Attended by Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) Advisor of the Ministry of Social Affairs Fatma Saifullah Yusuf, the activity in Pasuruan also provided hearing aid assistance to Ikrar Aulia Basry (67) who is the son of national hero Brigjen TNI H. Hasan Basry.
At Ikrar's age, Ikrar has decreased hearing so he needs an assistive device. Assistance from Ministry of Social Affairs to Ikrar is expected to help his daily activities and work.
In addition to providing hearing aids, Ministry of Social Affairs also provided basic food packages and compassion to Ikrar's family. “Now thank God, sir, thank God he can hear,” said Fatma when she was at Ikrar's house. Fatma also explained that Ikrar had previously used a hearing aid. But for the past two years, it has been damaged.
“He is still active as a cupping therapist, hopefully, this assistance from us can be useful,” said Fatma.
Brigadier General H. Hasan Basry is a hero who also contributed to the field of education as one of the important figures in the development of Lambung Mangkurat University.
Hasan Basry's heroism used as the name of KRI Hasan Basri which is the headquarters ship in the Joint Operation Ambalat-19 Bow for border security under the control of the Fleet Command II Marine Combat Group (Guspurla Koarmada II) based in Surabaya.
In 2024, based on Government Regulation No. 78 of 2018 concerning Requirements and Procedures as well as the amount of Sustainable Allowances for Fighters, Pioneers of Independence and Families of National Heroes, Ministry of Social Affairs has distributed sustainable allowances to the bank accounts of the National Heroes family on January 31, 2024 based on Decree Number 02/SK/5.3/PB.06.01/01/2024 dated January 19, 2024, with the amount of IDR 50,000,000 per year for each family.
The recipients are spread across several regions, including DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, DI Yogyakarta, East Java, and other regions in Indonesia with a total of 88 families.
In addition to the honor allowance, Ministry of Social Affairs also responded to the need for assistive devices proposed by the Indonesian National Heroes Family Association (IKPNI). There are 53 proposals for assistive devices and 19 proposals for assistive devices for Widows of Independence Pioneers.